The resocialization toward the beneficiaries on this stage is realized by the debriefing and motivation to live in a society that is stressed in the form of social relation, awareness, responbility, and social intergration.
The Beneficiaries also conduct Work Practices according to their major of interest.
For Work Practices, The Social Rehabilitation Center Kartini has cooperated with some workplaces around the area of Karanganyar Regency.
For the Beneficiaries distribution stage, The Social Rehablitation Center Kartini has cooperated with :
- Toko Roti Milano in Solo
- PT. Bayu Grup Malang
- Restaurant in Kalimantan
- Hotel Kartika in Malang
- Motorcycle repair shop around Sub-district of Tawangmangu
- "Las Tesa" in Tawangmangu