21 April 1951
Yayasan Pesanggrahan Kartini tried to establish Sekolah Pendidikan Kemasyarakatan Negeri Surakarta with the fund that was obtained from the results of performing arts 'SOOS Harmoni' Solo. The founder, Mr. Soeprapto Padmopangripto, gave chances and decent rest place for fighter students.
In the year of 1965-1972, the hostel was used by Brimob for the custody of G30S PKI. After the job was done, the hostel was returned to the foundation.
21 April 1972
Mr. Drs. Soehodo and some apparatus approached the foundation in order that Social Department Government organized children sanatorium.
1 November 1979
Sinced 1 November 1979, the name of House changed to Sasana which based on Minister of Social decision RI no.41/HUK/kep/XI/79 Tahun 1979 with the approval of Menpan RI No.B/508/I/MENPAN/5/78 tanggal 11 Mei 1978.
24 April 1995
Surat Keputusan Menteri Sosial RI no 6 tahun 1989 and SK Mensos RI no 14 tahun 1994 tentang Pembakuan Nama Unti Pelaksana Teknis Pusat, since 24 April 1995, the official name changed to Panti Sosial Petirahan Anak 'Kartini'.
Perda Prov Jateng no 7 tahun 2011 tentang Pembentukan, Kedudukan, Tugas Pokok, Fungsi dan Susunan Organisasi Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Unit Pelaksana Teknis changed the name to Panti Asuhan with SK Gubernur no 42 on 7 February 2003.
On this year, according to Perda Jateng no 6 tahun 2008, the name changed back to Panti Petirahan Anak Kartini Tawangmangu.
Based on Peraturan Gubernur Jawa Tengah no 111 tahun 2010, the name of Panti changed to Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial (Social Rehablitation Center)
According to Pergub Prov Jateng no 53 tahun 2013, Social Rehabilitation Center of Street Children Tawangmangu is on duty as Balai that services social rehabilitation for street children in Central Java Province.